Monday, October 25, 2010

Headaches can be Spirits Trying to Communicate

One of the things that I learned the hard way about spirit communication is that if you are not at the right vibration to connect with people in the spirit plane, then it can cause some physical discomfort.  I was regularly getting headaches, and it always seemed to be when I was doing energy work on myself or exposing myself to haunted locations.

I finally connected the headaches to improper connection to spirits, when I woke up with a headache on the day that I was to give a workshop on psychic energy clearing and protection.  I called on Archangel Michael to remove any spirit attachments, toxic cords that may have formed, or lower vibrating energies that may have attached to me, and the headache went away immediately, which told me that it was not a regular migraine. 

Throughout the day, the headache would come back, and I'd ask Archangel Michael to clear me again.  Finally, it occurred to me that perhaps I should see if it was someone trying to come through who was associated with one of the people coming to the workshop that night.  While the workshop's intent was not to deal with actual spirit communication, it seemed to me that at least one spirit did not care about that and wanted to relay a message or at least make his or her presence known.

I sat down to meditate and told any spirits that were trying to connect that this was their chance to do so.  I said that I didn't guarantee that I'd be able to receive their message, but I would try, and then they would have to accept that and stop putting this headache on me.  During the meditation, I got the impression of a couple of people, but the strongest was a woman whose description I was able to get, along with some details about injuries she had sustained.  After the meditation session, I no longer had any more headaches.

During the workshop, I asked the group if anyone recognized the woman.  I described the details that I had been given, including the injuries that she had shown me.  One of the women declared that it was her mother, and that the anniversary of her death had just passed in the last couple of days.  She said that her mother likes to make her presence known, and this is not the first time that she has insisted on coming through.  I was really happy that I could facilitate this communication, because the woman in the group was really happy to hear from her mother. 

I was really happy that I now had a possible cause for my headaches, and in future could deal with any that were caused by spirits trying to communicate.  I'm still working on my mediumship skills, as I seem to have spirits around that want to come through and connect with me, but I still struggle with allowing myself to let them through. 

When I do an oracle card reading session these days, I always at the end ask the person if they would be interested in allowing me to try some mediumship with them, off the clock, of course.  This allows me to practice my mediumship skills and also allows some people to receive a message or two from a departed loved one for free.  So, it's a win-win proposition.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

When You Can't Hear Your Guides

When you first begin to ask questions and look for guidance from your guides and angels, it's difficult to tell when they are answering.  Yes, there are times when you might recognize something as a message or you might get a vision so tangible as to be unmistakable, but a lot of the time, you question what you get.

That's not a bad thing and it shouldn't make you feel guilty.  It's okay to ask your guides for validation of any response that was unclear or of which you are unsure.  When I was looking for a program of study that included the paranormal, I asked my guides to verify that the program I had found through a list mate on a user group was the one that I should be taking.  A number of coincidences had led me to the program at the American Institute of Holistic Theology, but I wasn't sure if I was being guided to take it, or if I was simply interpreting that I should.  So I asked my guides to verify that, and to please "hit me over the head with it, because subtlety doesn't work for me."

A few days after I made that request, I was at an event as a volunteer giving Reiki to teachers who were attending a conference at Hockley Valley Resort.  At dinner, I ended up sitting next to another practitioner who happened to be very psychic.  We chatted as we ate, and suddenly she leaned over to me and said, "Your guides are here and they want me to give you a message." 

I nodded for her to continue, and she said, "They say you should go ahead and take the course you are looking at."  I asked her which course that would be, as I'd been looking at a few of them.  She said, "The one with the channelling."  She paused a moment, then said, "...and I'm getting this image of them knocking on your head."  She looked puzzled, but I just smiled and replied, "I know what that means." 

Of course I signed up for the program.  They did hit me over the head with it, after all.  So the next time you would like input from your guides, and aren't sure of their response, feel free to ask for validation.  They really don't mind and will help you all they can--that's what makes them your guides.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Glimpsing My Spirit Guide for the First Time

I want to start off with letting everyone know that I have seen one of my guides.  It took weeks—months, actually, but I finally caught a glimpse of her.  If I can do it so can you, and it does pay to begin to open up to this.

When I started experimenting with connecting with my guides (about eight years ago), I didn’t know what I was doing and was sure that I was blocked or that people who did claim to connect to their guides were possibly schizophrenic or delusional or seeking attention (so, in other words, I was almost as big a skeptic as James Randie—not that I’d ever heard of him at the time either). 

So, why did I bother?  Well, if you think about it, if there are guides out there in the ether who are there to help you through life, then wouldn’t it make sense to connect to them?  Also, I don’t believe that some people are more special or holy than others, and if there is a God, and he (I’m using he simply to avoid using the unwieldy he/she, though I believe “God” is not a dude) saw fit to let us have guides, then I don’t think he’d play favorites with whom among us should be able to have contact with their own guides.

So, I thought that I’d either prove that these beings exist or I’d prove that they don’t.  I figured it was a hobby that wouldn’t hurt me, unless you take into account the huge disappointment and psychological angst that would go along with realizing that we are indeed alone were I to disprove the existence of spirit guides.

Anyway, I started my quest by beginning to meditate.  I downloaded a meditation from Shirley Maclaine’s website that she was sharing with the members of her site.  My only criteria for the meditation track at the time was that I get a meditation that was free, short and to which I enjoyed listening.  This one from Shirley’s site fit the bill. 

I listened to that 25-minute track every day for months, each time setting the intent that I get an image of my guide or guides.  Just to be clear, I have difficulty getting images.  At the time, I was unable to visualize anything at all.  Some people have told me that if they are asked to visualize an apple, for example, then they are able to “see” it in their mind’s eye with no trouble.  I can’t do that.  I am able to, at most, get an impression of an apple, but there is no image of it that pops into my head. 

One day, as I listened to the meditation, I suddenly got a very clear image of an Egyptian woman.  This was not just an impression--it was a clear image.  Also, there was nothing in the meditation that talks about Egypt, I had not been reading or accessing information about Egypt before meditating, and there was nothing I had been doing that would have put this particular image into my head.  But there it was. 

I was pretty excited about that, and wished that I could somehow verify that this was indeed one of my spirit guides. 

A few weeks later, I was at the psychic fair here in Newmarket, and decided to get a reading from one of the psychics.  I approached a very kind-looking woman named Geraldine and signed up for a 30-minute reading.  The reading went well, and at the end of it, as I was getting up to leave, she suddenly grabbed my arm and said, “Wait.  I have to introduce you to your spirit guide.”  I sat down again and waited.  Geraldine said, “She is an Egyptian woman, and her name is Mara.” 

She laughed when she saw the look on my face and said, “You’ve seen her, haven’t you?”  I replied that I had.  She then went on to say that Mara and I had been priestesses of Ra in a past life and that she was my spirit guide in this life.  I was thrilled Geraldine had validated my vision and that I had a name to put to the face that I had seen.  I had not told Geraldine anything about my quest to meet my guides.  It hadn’t come up at all during the reading, as I was more concerned with mundane things such as to do with family and career. 

There are better and faster ways of connecting with your guides, but if you are just starting out, then it’s not a bad way to go.  Take 30 minutes and do a meditation, setting the intent to receive an image or some message from your spirit guides.  At the time, I was going for just visual or clairvoyant messages, as I didn’t realize that there are more ways to receive messages from one’s guides than through seeing.

For more information on the different ways that you can receive messages from your guides, read my Suite101 article “Psychic Communication:  Receiving Messages from Guides and Angels,” which was written long after those initial attempts at spirit communication, when I’d had more experience and even formal training on connecting with my guides.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Finding my Guides

I was always interested in the paranormal, but had never, as far as I know, had any supernatural encounters.  I loved to read and hear about people who communicated with their spirit guides, departed loved ones and celestial beings.  But it all seemed beyond my reach. 

I've always believed, though, that you can do anything you set your mind to doing, so I decided that, however long it takes, whatever effort is required, I would learn how to open up psychically and learn how to communicate with the spirit world. 

I had a number of reasons for wanting to do this.  First of all, I wanted to verify the existence of something beyond the immediate physical world.  Second, if there are such beings available to help us get through this life, then I wanted to consciously avail myself of their help.  Third, if it worked for me, then I could help others to do the same thing. 

I think everyone should have direct access to his or her own guides.  That's what they're there for.  There should be no need for anyone to pay to find out what his/her guides want him/her to know.

I've decided to start writing about the experiences that I've had since I made that decision about eight years ago.  I never realized how difficult and intense the journey would be, but if I had, I still would have started down that path. 

Receiving help from the Divine is never a waste of time or effort--as a matter-of-fact, "effort" is misleading in something like this.  What is primarily required is "allowing," which sometimes is much more difficult than exerting effort.